Best friend (noun):
A confidant, a constant through all the seasons of life / the first one to clap / the first one I call / like when my grandfather passed away /
Someone I can fall apart in front of / and with / and I have / and in those moments we nursed each other back to life /
You know the passcode to my phone / the name of that one guy from Hinge who left me on read / and just how hard it was to leave Seattle /
We’ve spent countless hours driving on windey roads / plotting text replies / goals / outfits / trips / who to trust and let in / when to let go /
When I fall, I know I’ll never fall too far because you’ll always be there / a soft landing place / a hard belly laugh / a tender conversation when we go there /
I used to think all of this in-between stuff was the intermission / the rest stops on the road trips / the filler flowers in a bouquet / the commercial breaks /
But lately I’ve come to realize that all of this small stuff is it / all of it / the main event / the main course / the journey and the destination /
You make everybody feel like a somebody / you acknowledge everyone in the room / especially the doggos / you skip the small talk and ask are you fulfilled /
You keep it real / but you also keep it light / always ready to break out to Drizzy / we leave no dance floor untouched /
I’ve written volumes of words but I can’t find a way to define you / because no matter how many words I stich together they’ll never be enough /