Pinned30 tidbits from a 30 year old.There’s a lot of weight associated with the big 3–0. As if somehow life is supposed to be lined up and figured out. Regardless of how…Mar 31, 2022Mar 31, 2022
A love letter to the motherland.Motherland, you always remind me that I straddle between two worlds no matter where else I find home. I love how your streets fill with…Feb 14, 2024Feb 14, 2024
The people you’ll meet dating.The heartbreak that breaks you. But also breaks you open. Open to experience the vastness of life. Because after experiencing the depth of…Jan 26, 2024Jan 26, 2024
Healthcare Pricing Transparency and What it Means for Us.I came across this ad on my run to the beach in LA, and I couldn’t help but smile ear to ear. In a city where billboards are an eyesore in…Feb 2, 2023Feb 2, 2023
The Six Paradoxes of Life.A lot of truths in life seem counterintuitive and nonsensical. But you just have to prod a little deeper to make sense of them.Aug 9, 2022Aug 9, 2022
The Unromantic Part of Following Your DreamsFollowing your dreams is romanticized until you start doing it.Feb 1, 2022Feb 1, 2022